Vitamins Can Kill Cancer

2006. West Conshohocken, PA. Infinity Publishing

"In 1969 The National Cancer Institute found that vitamin C killed cancer cells without harming normal cells. In 2005 the National Institute of Health repeated the successful NCI tests. Abram Hoffer,1 M.D., PhD., and other doctors have developed vitamin C into a clinically tested cancer therapy using standard supplements of vitamins A, B, C, D and E plus selenium and zinc. He helped hundreds of patients with many types of cancer live longer and with less pain." Buy This Publication


Painless Therapy for Major Diseases

2012. West Conshohocken, PA. Infinity Publishing

"The vitamin C therapy of Abram Hoffer is safe, tested and effective for most cancers, regardless of type or stage. The author controlled his aggressive prostate cancer for 14 years primarily with vitamin C. He never had surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, or pain. The FDA has penalized doctors who used vitamin C for cancer therapy. Patients are not restricted by FDA. The author offers strategies to get the cooperation of doctors. Hoffer’s vitamins are effective either alone or combined with regular therapies. For some patients , Hoffer’s vitamins may be the only therapy needed." Buy This Publication Sneak Peak


Other Publications


Cancer and Medical Politics

Townsend Letter. August/September, 2011; p. 89-92
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Scurvy Today

Townsend Letter. April 2010; p. 56-58
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Vitamins vs. Chemotherapy and Radiation for Cancer Therapy.

Townsend Letter. 2009; p. 60-61
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Understanding Cancer and Natural Therapies

Townsend Letter. August/September 2008; 301/302:109-111.

A New Look at Old Cancer Therapies

Prostate Cancer Exchange. April 2010; 22:5,7-12
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